Two types of fluid power circuits
Most fluid power circuits use compressed air or hydraulic fluid as their operating media. While these systems are the same in many aspects, they can have very different characteristics in certain ways.
For example: remote outdoor applications may use dry nitrogen gas in place of compressed air to eliminate freezing problems. Readily available nitrogen gas is not hazardous to the atmosphere or humans. Because nitrogen is usually supplied in gas cylinders at high pressure, it has a very low dew point at normal system pressure. The gas may be different but the system's operating characteristics are the same.
Hydraulic systems may use a variety of fluids -- ranging from water (with or without additives) to high-temperature fire-resistant types. Again the fluid is different but the operating characteristics change little.
Pneumatic systems
Most pneumatic circuits run at low power -- usually around 2 to 3 horsepower. Two main advantages of air-operated circuits are their low initial cost and design simplicity. Because air systems operate at relatively low pressure, the components can be made of relatively inexpensive material -- often by mass production processes such as plastic injection molding, or zinc or aluminum die-casting. Either process cuts secondary machining operations and cost.
First cost of an air circuit may be less than a hydraulic circuit but operating cost can be five to ten times higher. Compressing atmospheric air to a nominal working pressure requires a lot of horsepower. Air motors are one of the most costly components to operate. It takes approximately one horsepower to compress 4 cfm of atmospheric air to 100 psi. A 1-hp air motor can take up to 60 cfm to operate, so the 1-hp air motor requires (60/4) or 15 compressor horsepower when it runs. Fortunately, an air motor does not have to run continuously but can be cycled as often as needed.
Air-driven machines are usually quieter than their hydraulic counterparts. This is mainly because the power source (the air compressor) is installed remotely from the machine in an enclosure that helps contain its noise.
Because air is compressible, an air-driven actuator cannot hold a load rigidly in place like a hydraulic actuator does. An air-driven device can use a combination of air for power and oil as the driving medium to overcome this problem, but the combination adds cost to the circuit. (Chapter 17 has information on air-oil circuits.)
Air-operated systems are always cleaner than hydraulic systems because atmospheric air is the force transmitter. Leaks in an air circuit do not cause housekeeping problems, but they are very expensive. It takes approximately 5 compressor horsepower to supply air to a standard hand-held blow-off nozzle and maintain 100 psi. Several data books have charts showing cfm loss through different size orifices at varying pressures. Such charts give an idea of the energy losses due to leaks or bypassing.
Hydraulic systems
A hydraulic system circulates the same fluid repeatedly from a fixed reservoir that is part of the prime mover. The fluid is an almost non-compressible liquid, so the actuators it drives can be controlled to very accurate positions, speeds, or forces. Most hydraulic systems use mineral oil for the operating media but other fluids such as water, ethylene glycol, or synthetic types are not uncommon. Hydraulic systems usually have a dedicated power unit for each machine. Rubber-molding plants depart from this scheme. They usually have a central power unit with pipes running to and from the presses out in the plant. Because these presses require no flow during their long closing times, a single large pump can operate several of them. These hydraulic systems operate more like a compressed-air installation because the power source is in one location.
A few other manufacturers are setting up central power units when the plant has numerous machines that use hydraulics. Some advantages of this arrangement are: greatly reduced noise levels at the machine, the availability of backup pumps to take over if a working pump fails, less total horsepower and flow, and increased uptime of all machines.
Another advantage hydraulic-powered machines have over pneumatic ones is that they operate at higher pressure -- typically 1500 to 2500 psi. Higher pressures generate high force from smaller actuators, which means less clutter at the work area.
The main disadvantage of hydraulics is increased first cost because a power unit is part of the machine. If the machine life is longer than two years, the higher initial cost is often offset by lower operating cost due to the much higher efficiency of hydraulics. Another problem area often cited for hydraulics is housekeeping. Leaks caused by poor plumbing practices and lack of pipe supports can be profuse. This can be exaggerated by overheated low-viscosity fluid that results from poor circuit design. With proper plumbing procedures, correct materials, and preventive maintenance, hydraulic leaks can be virtually eliminated.
Another disadvantage could be that hydraulic systems are usually more complex and require maintenance personnel with higher skills. Many companies do not have fluid power engineers or maintenance personnel to handle hydraulic problems.
5-1. Schematic drawing of a hydraulic circuit, and physical drawing of the components in the circuit. |
Typical pneumatic circuit
Figure 5-1 includes a pictorial representation and a schematic drawing of a typical pneumatic circuit. It also has a pictorial and schematic representation of a typical compressor installation to drive the circuit (and other pneumatic machines). Seldom, if ever, is the compressor part of a pneumatic schematic. Power for a typical pneumatic circuit comes from a central compressor facility with plumbing to carry pressurized air through the plant. Pneumatic drops are similar to electrical outlets and are available at many locations.
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Bruce Hammerson
Hydraulic Hammers
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